Friday 12 August 2011

the horrible beginning ...

This is one of those moments when you want to say something but dont know what to say. Having twitter and facebook as distractions surely isnt helping in the blogging cause !
Walking across the highway to my department(electrical) everyday with either the scorching sun or the weeping clouds in addition to the filthy underpass always gives evil thoughts of bunking classes. We were told last year itself that our department had the craziest profs but it was after the 3 weeks in 2nd year that we came face to face with the reality. The most feared professor being Mr.I R Rao(yes,he isnt a doctorate and yet is the most respected !).From day one he started giving us vocabulary classes along with his job of teaching us circuit theory. He showed us his inside devil when a poor boy was thrown out for moving his table !(and later being a guttery bag of scum).He taught us a new abbreviation for useless students : NFTE(not fit for technical education).Students are so scared of his wrath that none have the guts to even blink for a second, scared that they might be thrown out for sleeping ! From one extreme lets to go another extreme called Dr.G S Punekar whose main profession seems to be storytelling rather than teaching Electromagnetic theory. He somehow knows the biography of all his ex-students ! Then there has to be a teacher who is never confident of himself which brings in our fac-ad Dr.P Parthiban who seems to be teaching the wall on the back rather than us. One tends to forget we have a prof called Dr. D Gaonkar as he himself is that disinterested on what is going on the class. Its impossible to not have a mallu prof in your faculty if you are in south india and welcome our math prof Dr. S George who behaves like a kid on his birthday(super-hyper !). Dr. T Moger is the most entertaining prof with is sleazy smile(especially when he looks at girls !) and those regular raising of eyebrows and telling every class that his subject doesnt need to be taught(obvious when he is teaching us measurements). In between all this there are those irritating lab assistants who expect us to perform experiments without touching wires ! They seem like a bunch of scared animals who expect one of their breed to be hunted everyday ! This somehow sums up my crazy department which is a topic of jokes for the rest of the college.
Coming back to my hostel room seems like being in heaven with the DC++ and lan connection(and the regular weekend torrent download). The CS and DOTA communities never seem to take much time in settling down and gaming their way to 'glory'(said by one of my friends).Water problems started from day 1 and to the rescue came the magic tap which somehow had water 24x7. People who didnt know about it enjoyed their stinking lives and muddy clothes (and many still do !).All the oaths to study regularly had started and in a week it was forgotten. This somehow sums up the starting of my 2nd year in college and with the 'holy tech club' recruitments starting i have something to write for next week !