Saturday 20 August 2011

Technical Clubs any one ?

Another week gone by and nothing changes in the electrical dept. The prof who loves to throw out kids continues doing so with same zeal and fervour as before, and sadly for the one who thinks his subject is easy, students also have the same view and hence attendance in his class is equal to the number of sane politicians in our country(somewhere close to nothing).We realised he still takes classes when one day in the lab he invited a student to attend his class,the student mutedly rejected his invitation.A lab assistant made a joke out of herself when she told us to bring our own strippers as her stripper was not for general use(later we realised she was talking about a wire stripper !).
Last week showed us how we 2nd years were desperate to get into the 4 'Technical' Clubs (now please dont ask me why I didnt mention roto).How desperate were we ? we filled resumes as if they were some form to avail a million dollars,we didnt mind leaving our facebook and gaming dens late at midnight to give those 'interviews'.Interviews and self-descriptions happened at places ranging from the very normal Main Building(MB) to distracting places like Night Canteen(NC) . Personally I liked the selection process of EFOREA (e-cell,they hate being called a club),they were serious and professional(and I somehow managed to scrape through their gruelling interviews).Other tech clubs-CSI,IE,IEEE and ISTE-had interviews asking questions varying from ICs and markets to questions like 'victoria or her secret'.Every person hoped to have some known senior in the panel in order to have a smoother interview.Jugaad's were done not only for oneself but also for friends.Many weighed their options in terms of number of good-looking girls(god knows how they reached at a conclusion.NC made a killing from people who missed their dinner everyday and from those who were forced to put treat. Every club wanted to be at the top of the preference list and put full effort in doing so. Final round made us,2nd years, feel as if we were really in demand,with many of us receiving late night calls from the convenors to chose their club over others. It was like a fish market where everybody wanted the biggest catch for the best price. The results came out yesterday, making many happy and breaking hearts of many more. Many were congratulated whereas, many were told its not the end of the world. Seniors were thanked as well as cursed, but in the end everything that happened just happened.The guys who didnt apply at all lived their mortal lives as it came(they call themselves the No club club-NCC).
Well amidst all this drama on campus there was another drama going on in India, Anna Hazare. The hunger strike caught a lot of eyes in college as people went hungry.Realised they went hungry because of the degrading mess food rather than, in support of Anna. People protested outside our college, only to realise our college authorities are 'the wall' and, happily filled their stomachs at Samudra Darshan and carried on somewhere else. Sports was something which wasnt spoken that much,but Indians playing at England did better publicity than the rotoract and DDFC guys.Such an exciting week had to have an amazing end which it did.Eating dinner with drunk guys,single umbrella in heavy rain giving shelter to 3 burly guys,using a plastic sack as raincoat and then taking lift in the NC van from the girls block.This summed up the show which took place last night. Now as everything is over,its time for introduction to the clubs and subsequent treats and exclusive google groups. This week wont be forgotten by many for a long time. And in the hope that I come up with something more sensible to write, Goodbye.

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