Saturday 24 September 2011

Put to test ...

Electrical department till now seemed to be the nicest branch, professors didn't believe in taking attendance and classes were few (so few that Prajwal, my neighbour had the impression that we trical guys never went to class at all ! ). But there has to be a cycle maintained between the good and the evil, and unluckily our department believes in it. The evil came and made us experience hell like never before !
Even before we could think of it the mid-sems had started. The week before mid-sems, started the warming up of for the game. Even before the exams started there were gossip and jokes on the history of question papers set by our infamous professors( I R Rao as usual being the most trending topic). Subjects ranged from the pure mugging up, measuring instruments to the extremely head cracking, circuit theory. RGG(relative grading game) became very viral with many accused about playing it dirty. Monday was the first test and it surely wasn't a lucky one with IR Rao inaugurating our mid-sems with his depressing circuit theory paper which one could leave empty and still pass(one left the exam hall after seeing the question paper), but marks in his paper was as rare as India's victory in the recently concluded English tour. Being able to solve questions in his paper was encouraging to say the least and it gave me a glimmer of hope for the other papers. Transformers on Tuesday was a rude shock to many as it didn't turn out to be as expected with the first question turning out to be unsolvable and our prof Parthiban telling us he has no clue about the question paper as he didn't set it. Wednesday was completely a sane day as electromagnetic theory gave no surprises with its mixed bag of a few easy and a few tough questions. Thursday was the day which everyone was dreading because of having to face 2 exams : maths and measuring instruments. Maths was easy thankfully. Measuring instruments as expected came very lengthy with people vomiting what they had mugged up. Linear integrated circuits was one topic which has always scared with its tiny components ! Mugging up the circuits for different applications literally took my sleep away the previous away night. Finish the paper gave me a good feeling of having survived the storm but the jokes on us didn't stop as our lab batch had an extra class after the paper !
During mid-sem people went from being a bit sane to complete retardness( the person knows what I am talking about), some practicing the unholy RGG and excelling at it and others just giving up hope !
Now the evil has ended and its back to the good old days of no attendance and cancelling of classes.... well at least now we are aware of what to face during the end-sems ....

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