Saturday 7 January 2012

A New Beginning...

Happy new year !
My new year was made very special by a very special someone ! This time around I luckily wasnt surrounded by people making 'resolutions'. I too used to make resolutions but as I became wiser I realised such resolutions are like young Indian fast bowlers, who seem brilliant at the start but as time passes everyone just forgets them (I can never stop making analogies related to sports).
Coming back to college felt good as it didnt change a bit from how I left it a month back. Everything was just as screwed as it was ! It was a bit weird though with the hostel being almost empty, but I had one thing which I missed a lot during the holidays- my laptop ! Felt good to be united with it. It is the best source for my timepass and it was my companion for 2 days. Watched a few movies but nothing inpressed me like Sherlock. The plot was brilliant with even more brilliant description of the characters (personally big fan of Professor Moriarty) and to beat it all was a thrilling end (for those who have seen it, its more like end? ). Other movies which helped me get over my loneliness were Dirty Picture(extremely audacious dialogues by Balan...respect) and Don-2(plot good and as usual acting sucks!). Thank god for some interesting movies this winter which saved my day.
Now our department has really started hating us. The proofs include our fac-ad throwing our registration sheets at us, we not getting one course we wanted, no recommendations and no mini-projects! One positive is at least the profs this time are less crazy (or they seem so). The introduction of matlab is really good, it takes us away from writing those stupid lab manuals and mugging up the procedure of old malfunctioning machines.
Well talking about december it seemed average till 26th :). 26th and 27th still feel like a dream. Mood-i was not as good as I expected it because of  an untimely fever. Other thing I miss of bombay is its great weather. One thing that really bored me in bombay was seeing anna hazare trying to reduce his weight (aparently its called a fast) and the congress viciously trying to ensure he doesnt reach his aim. Things I learnt is no matter what congress cant get in good terms with the bengalis and, no matter how good the Indian team looks they will always screw up when you just about think they have improved. All in all it was a good month for sports because of brilliant football by FC Barcelona.
Well the holidays are over now and time has come to get back into the study gear ! Always hoping this year is as good as the last one or maybe better.

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